Music has the capacity to engage, entertain, challenge, inspire and empower students. Studying music stimulates imaginative and innovative responses, critical thinking and aesthetic understanding, and encourages students to reach their creative and expressive potential.
Music exists distinctively in every culture and is a basic expression of human experience. Students’ active participation in music, individually and collaboratively, draws on their own traditions and life experiences. These experiences help them to appreciate and meaningfully engage with music practices and traditions of other times, places, cultures and contexts.
Music knowledge and skills ensure that, individually and collaboratively, students:
- develop the confidence to be creative, innovative, thoughtful, skilful and informed musicians
- develop skills and techniques to actively listen, analyse, improvise, compose and perform music
- interpret and apply the elements of music, engaging with a diverse array of musical experiences as performers and audience members
- develop aesthetic appreciation and respect for their own and others’ music practices and traditions across different times, places, cultures and contexts.
Music Program
The Denmark Senior High School Music Program is an expressive, creative area that offers the opportunity to expand and develop practical instrumental and theoretical skills. Our aim is to creative an environment in which students are able to explore different musical concepts individually and in groups. Denmark is a musical and an artistic community that boasts a wide range of musical achievements and is home to many accomplished, professional performers and song writers. This is enough inspiration to create a musical community within our school that supports and celebrates performance, community, team work and personal achievement.
The DSHS music programme offers both class and smaller group instrumental lessons. Students do not need to be enrolled in the IMSS programme to attend and thrive in Class Music
DSHS has had a long and strong commitment to music since the 1960’s when the first concert band in the state was started with the kind donation of money to the school specifically for music instruments. Our IMSS (Instrumental Music School Services) program (woodwind, brass, percussion, voice and guitar) is designed to help keep this traditional instrumental stream alive whilst embracing a contemporary approach to fulfil the needs of a broad range of interests.
All students who are provided weekly instrumental IMSS lessons are encouraged to strive for commitment and dedication. Learning an instrument is a lifelong journey which although may be tough at times, is incredibly rewarding and requires focus and practice. Music Education is an integral part of any child’s development and has been truly proven to help and stimulate different parts of the brain. This means that Music can help students achieve more in all areas at school but is also fulfilling as a creative outlet.
Please refer to our Music Program Handbook below for more detailed information:
Music Program Handbook
Students will study aspects of: Music skills and processes, Music in society, Music responses and Aesthetic understanding in music.
Some students have been accepted into the School of Instrumental Music program and besides their normal class Music, will have instrumental lessons. This is the first year of a specialised course of study with duration of four years.
Each student will be catered for by varying the levels of musical experience. The more experienced will be extended while beginners will work at a steadier pace. As music is a performance-based art all students can be assured of plenty of support in every aspect of the course, especially when performing. Students are given the opportunity to develop their theoretical and practical skills to standards of excellence.
As all teachers in the music program are professional players, students are encouraged to attend the public performances that their teachers give throughout the year. Students also attend other live performances performed by professional players. Students receiving instrumental lessons participate in the School Band and practice one afternoon a week after school. The band takes part in the State Concert Band Competition each year, as well as performing numerous times throughout the year.
Music is a performance-based art, students are assured plenty of performance opportunity throughout the year. Students are given the opportunity to develop their theoretical and practical skills to standards of excellence.
Some students have been accepted into the Instrumental Music School Services program and besides their normal class Music, will have instrumental lessons. These students will study a general music program in Year 8 and will investigate a range of music genres, instruments and innovations. Students will study aspects of: Music skills and processes, Music in society, Music responses and Aesthetic understanding in music.
Students also attend other live performances performed by professional players. Students receiving instrumental lessons participate in ensembles. This includes weekly rehearsal and regular performances. All music students perform numerous times throughout the year.
Music Class 9MU & 9MU2
The second year of study continues to develop students’ skills in all areas of music. Excellence in both theoretical and practical skills is fostered through a range of musical experiences. Appreciation of Western Art Music, Jazz Music, World Music and Contemporary Music is developed through a range of musical activities including performance, composition and aural work. Students are exposed to, and perform alongside a range of professional acts throughout the year, including both local and visiting artists.
Students receiving instrumental lessons through Instrumental Music School Services (IMSS)lessons students must be enrolled in this course. Costs associated with IMSS are additional to the fee for Music.
Pop Music 9POP & 9POP2
The Year 9 music elective provides students with the opportunity to further their ensemble skills through guided rehearsal and performance. This unit is designed as both a complementary extension for students studying class music, and as an elective for students who are not studying other music courses. It is wholly practical, and sees students making one public performance per term. All students are welcome to apply, regardless of prior musical experience.
Music Class 10CMUS & 10CMUS2
The third year of study continues to develop students’ skills in all areas of music. Excellence in both theoretical and practical skills is fostered through a range of musical experiences. Appreciation of Western Art Music, Jazz Music, World Music and Contemporary Music is developed through a range of musical activities including performance, composition and aural work. Students are exposed to, and perform alongside a range of professional acts throughout the year, including both local and touring artists. The goal of this year is to prepare students for studying senior school music courses.
Students receiving instrumental lessons through Instrumental Music School Services (IMSS)lessons students must be enrolled in this course. Costs associated with IMSS are additional to the fee for Music
Popular Music 10POP & 10POP2
The Year 10 music elective provides students with the opportunity to further their ensemble skills through guided rehearsal and performance. This unit is designed as both a complementary extension for students studying class music, and as an elective for students who are not studying other music courses. It is wholly practical, and sees students making one public performance per term. All students are welcome to apply, regardless of prior musical experience.
Music General
The Music General course encourages students to explore a range of musical experiences, developing their musical skills and understanding, and creative and expressive potential, through a selected musical context. The course consists of a written component incorporating Aural and Theory, Composing and arranging, Investigation and analysis, in addition to a practical component. The Aural and Theory content in the written component is generic, and can be adapted and extended to suit any selected context. The practical component consists of three different options and can be delivered in a different context, independent of the written component. Students select only one option, and can choose to perform on an instrument or voice, submit a composition portfolio, or complete a production/practical project. The Music General course provides opportunities for creative expression, the development of aesthetic appreciation, and understanding and respect for music and music practices across different times, places, cultures and contexts. Students listen, compose, perform and analyse music, developing skills to confidently engage with a diverse array of musical experiences both independently and collaboratively. Studying music may also provide a pathway for further training and employment in a range of professions within the music industry.